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Snow Bunting 2025
Eurasian Pygmy Owl 2025
Common Eider 2025
Dunnock 2025
Eurasian Bullfinch 2025
Northern Lapwing 2025
Barnacle Goose 2025
White Wagtail 2025
Eurasian Bittern 2025
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Hybrids of Mediterranean and Black-headed Gulls
Caspian Gull
Herring Gull
Yellow-legged Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Black-headed Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Common Gull
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Registration form
Fields with a star are mandatory. You can also add a portrait of yourself to complete your profile. These data will only be used to inform you about the website evolution or if we need some more information about one of your contributions. These personal...
Personal data :
* Birthyear
I live in the area covered by the database :
* Province
* Municipality
* Email (username)
* Confirm your email
* Your language
Comment about you (short summary)
Your portrait in JPEG (min. 120px and max. 100Kb):
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Species order
Terms :
Terms of using

I. Definitions

  1. Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków (the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds – OTOP) established in 1991 is a non-governmental organization with the status of public benefit organization, dealing with the protection of wild birds and their habitats. The seat of OTOP is located in Marki at the address: ul. Odrowąża 24, 05-270 Marki,
  2. The portal hereinafter referred to as the Portal is the internet platform for exchanging data on surveys of birds at the territory of Poland, rendered available in the domain of, run by OTOP, enabling the User to collect his/her own surveys of birds, photos of them and records of their voices.
  3. The User refers to each person making use of the Portal.
  4. The Administrator refers to the person managing the Portal.
  5. The Partner refers to all organizations and institution mentioned in "Our partners" page.
  6. Regulations refer to the list of rules defining the use of the Portal as well as the scope of responsibilities of OTOP.

II. General provisions

  1. The Regulations define general rules of using the Portal as well as the scope of responsibilities of the Users and OTOP.
  2. The provisions of the Civil Code as well as other acts binding at the territory of the Republic of Poland shall apply to matters not regulated herein.
  3. Using the Portal, the User confirms that he/she has got acquainted himself/herself  with the wording of the Regulations as well as accepts all its provisions and commits himself/herself to observe all its provisions.
  4. Shall the User have any questions referring to the privacy statement or conditions of making use of the Portal, the User shall contact the Office of OTOP:

III. Cooperation of the User with the Portal

  1. The User shall be authorized to use the Portal in a manner compliant with binding provisions of law and with respect to intellectual property rights.
  2. The User remains fully responsible for contents introduced by the User, added photos and audio files.
  3. Creating of the account and making use of the Portal is free of charge.
  4. Creating of the account is possible after entering one’s own name and surname, the year of birth, postal address and a correct e-mail address. Personal data are processed in a manner compliant with the provisions of the Polish law, in particular with the provisions of the Act of 29th August 1997 on Personal Data Protection (Journal of Laws No.133, item 883 as amended) as well as the Act of 18th July 2002 on Provision of Electronic Services (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204). Collected personal data of Users are stored on the server of the Portal in a special zone, ensuring proper protection. Only Administrators of the Portal enjoy a full access to the database.
  5. By registering to the account the User declares, that provided by him/her data are true and the User agrees for the publication of the User’s name and surname at surveys entered as well as the User agrees for the contact of the Adminsitrator of the Portal, e.g. for the purpose of the verification of surveys entered.
  6. OTOP does not share, sell or render available any personal data of Users collected via the Portal to any another persons or institutions, unless the above mentioned is effected upon a written demand of state organs authorized for such demands under the provisions of law and for the needs of running proceedings by them. On the other hand, OTOP is authorized to reveal general statistical information concerning Users without their personal data.
  7. At any moment, the User may verify and modify his/her personal data, as well as delete its account without stating any reason. For that purpose the User shall send an e-mail to the Administrator. After the account is deleted, all the personal data (postal address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, and the year of birth) will be deleted. All the survey data, photos and audio files entered by the User will remain available at the Portal. They may be used in compliance with these Regulations, with no further limitations.
  8. Shall these Regulations be violated, in particular, shall untrue information be entered into the Portal, the Administrator may decide to exclude the User from the Portal. The notification about such exclusion together with the justification shall be sent by e-mail. The User may appeal within 14 days since the date of receiving the notification on such exclusion, and then the case will be reconsidered by the Administrator. If the User does not report any objection, the access to the Portal will be disabled after 30 days since the notification on such exclusion is sent. After removing of the account of the User, all personal data of the User (postal address, e-mail address, telephone numbers, the year of birth) will be deleted. All the survey data, photos and audio files shall remain on the Portal. They may be used in compliance with these Regulations, with no further limitations.

IV. Surveys of birds, photos and audio files

  1. The Portal is designed for sharing information and gathering data referring to surveys of all bird species reported on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
  2. Data entered by the User remain the User’s property. The Administrator as well as persons appointed by the Administrator are, however, authorized to verify such data and supplement them, after the previous contact with the User. Data being verified as well as such data which have been rejected may be marked with an appropriate symbol (see the Clarification of symbols in the Portal) or deleted from the Portal.
  3. The User sharing, at the website of the Portal, surveys, photos and audio files, in which other authors have copyrights, grants OTOP and partners a non-exclusive right to edit, copy and disseminate such contents for the purpose of running statutory activity.
  4. The User sharing, at the website of the Portal, surveys, photos and audio files, in which other authors have copyrights, accepts the responsibility for obtaining the consent for their dissemination. The User is fully responsible for any damage stemming as a consequence of rendering available, at the website of the Portal, surveys, photos and audio files without the consent of persons enjoying copyrights to them.

V. Copyrights

  1. The Portal includes works protected by copyrights, trademarks and other original contents, in particular texts, photos, graphics and multi-media materials.
  2. Contents in which other persons have copyrights, are rendered available by OTOP at the websites of the Portal under the binding provisions of law or concluded contracts.
  3. Any rights in contents rendered available in the Portal, including its texts and graphic elements, the selection and layout of websites as well as other elements, are reserved.
  4. The User may make use of works and/or databases available at the websites of the Portal exclusively within the allowed scope of use, in compliance with the provisions of the Act of 4th February 1994 on Copyrights and Related Rights (Journal of Laws No. 24, item 83 as amended), the Act of 27th July 2001 on Databases Protection (Journal of Laws No. 128 item 1402) as well as the Act of 16th April 1993 on Combating Unfair Competition (Journal of Laws No. 47 item 211 as amended).
  5. It is forbidden to copy, modify or electronically transmit any data entered by other Users, or any part of the Portal, in whole or in part, without a previous written consent of OTOP apart from cases defined by commonly binding provisions of law.

VI. The responsibility of OTOP

  1. OTOP does not bear any liability for timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of information presented at the websites of the Portal, as well as OTOP does not bear any liability for their usefulness for given activities of the User.
  2. OTOP does not grant any guarantee that making use of the Portal will proceed without any errors, defects or breaks as well as that data and information presented at the websites of the Portal will meet expectations of the User with regard to their substantive contents, accuracy or usefulness.
  3. OTOP does not bear any liability for any consequences of the User’s using of any information via the Portal.
  4. OTOP does not bear any liability, in particular, civil, criminal or administrative liability, for the User’s using of the Portal in a manner in compliant with the provisions of the Regulations.

VII. Final provisions

  1. OTOP reserves itself the right to amend or modify unilaterally the Regulations.
  2. Using the Portal by the User after amendments to the Regulations are introduced means the acceptance of such amendments.
  3. The Regulations enter into force as of the date of their publishing at the websites of the Portal.
Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2025